Easy leg stretching exercises for newcomers into exercise regimes at home
(Image Credits: Pexels )Some of the benefits are that stretching is a good way to begin any fitness program. It makes them more flexible and also prevent cases of injuries and mobility disorders in the body system.
For novices, establishing a stretching program at home is a safe and efficient concept of developing the flexibility strategy of following a healthy lifestyle.
Here, readers will find a list of the most effective leg stretching exercises for novices, and the comprehensive guidelines for their correct implementation.
What makes Leg Stretching Important?
But now it is important to know the purpose of all that leg stretching that we are going to make. These include:
- Improved Flexibility - Doing stretching exercises keeps one’s muscles flexible and thus enhance mobility.
- Enhanced Blood Circulation - Stretching brings circulation to your muscle thus enabling a faster recovery process and in the process will help in reducing soreness.
- Prevention of Injuries - Preventing can help in preventing muscle pulls and in addition it prepares muscles for the activity to be undertaker.
- Stress Relief - Lovely stretching might help you with muscles that are tensed up or stressed out.
If you are eager to start, here are the simple leg stretching exercises that are ideal for novice, which can be performed at home.
1. Hamstring Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels )The hamstrings are the muscles that you find in the back part of your legs known as thighs. To avoid making them stiff or inflexible, you have to make them stretch their muscles often.
How to Perform
Stand with your feet more than shoulder width apart and slowly bend your knees to bring your buttocks down to the floor, your legs to be straight in front of you.
- While keeping your back straight and walk down lowering your upper torso toward the toes.
- If you cannot touch your toes, then just hold your shin or ankle.
- Hold the aforementioned position for 20 to 30 seconds, then let go or relax.
- Repeat 2–3 times.
- Avoid rounding your back.
- Of course, making your movements slow and controlled.
2. Quadriceps Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels )Posterior tibial muscles there are muscles at the front of your thighs called the quadriceps. It is very important to stretch them if you spend muchof your day on your chair.
How to Perform
- If sitting is impossible stand up and put your back against a wall or lean on a chair for support.
- Your lower right heel should be as near to your buttocks as it can be when you bend your right knee.
- After placing your right hand on your right ankle, try to draw it toward you.
- Take care not to flex your knees a lot and remain as upright as you can.
- Take 20 to 30 seconds’ duration for the stretch before swapping over to the other leg.
- Repeat 2–3 times on each leg.
- Avoid arching your back.
- Focus on the feeling that the stretch produced in the area of your body that is in front of your thighs.
3. Calf Stretch
(Image Credits: freepik )Calf stretching can help to avoid the tightening for those of you who often walk or jog.
How to Perform
- For this position, stand in front of a wall and put your hands against it at about the shoulder level.
- Tap your right foot back staying on the balls on your feet, and you have finished the basic tango steps.
- Step 2: For the first move bend your left knee slightly and ensure your back leg is as straight as possible.
- Stretch your leg muscles by bending forward at the waist.
- This exercise should be held for 20-30 seconds then the position is changed.
- Repeat 2–3 times on each leg.
- Keep your back straight.
- However, remember not to lift up your back heel of the foot off of the ground.
4. Butterfly Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels )One of the exercises present in this great workout also called the butterfly stretch enhances flexibility of the inner thighs and hips.
How to Perform
- Start first in a seiza (sits on his/her heels with knees flexed at the hips – feet placed together) position.
- Attempt to keep your feet in your hands while sitting up straight.
- Squeeze your knees toward the floor with your elbows while holding your hands behind your knees.
- DO-Maintain the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.
- Release and repeat 2–3 times.
- It is also important not to make your knees to touch the ground while bowing.
- Make sure your back is straight during the entire duration of the exercise.
5. Standing Forward Fold
(Image Credits: Pexels )This is quite an easy stretch for the hamstrings, calves and the lower back muscles.
How to Perform
- Express with your feet about shoulder’s width apart.
- Fold your upper body down at the hips, trying to reach your toes.
- Let your arms drop and your head relax.
- Sit in the position for about two to three minutes.
- Slowly come back up to your feet gradually.
- Repeat 2–3 times.
- Avoid locking your knees.
- Eyes should be directed at easing your upper part of the body.
6. Seated Wide-Leg Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels )Being a flexibility exercise, this stretch increases the flexibility of your hamstrings, inner thighs, and lower back.
How to Perform
- Squat with your legs as far apart as you can: kneeling position.
- A proper position is correct back posture; now gently bend forward try touching the floor with your hands gently.
- This is the correct strategy, mechanical hold the position and maintain for the range of about 20-30 seconds.
- Come to the standing position again and do it 2-3 times.
- If the stretch becomes uncomfortable, don’t overdo it.
- Turn your toes in the upward direction.
7. Hip Flexor Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels)An external rotator is critical especially if you have extended periods in a sitting position as the muscles of the hip flexors area get tightened.
How to Perform
- Pull your left leg forward while sitting on your right leg to make a 90-degree angle with the floor.
- Bend your upper body forward slightly but ensure you have a straight back.
- The area in front of your right hip should feel stretched.
- Retain the position for about twenty to thirty seconds then change sides.
- It should be repeated 2–3 times on each side.
- Do not overemphasize with your body and do not lean forward after giving a statement.
- To achieve better balance to avoid situations where you have to use your hands to hold your body do the following.
8. Lunge Stretch
(Image Credits: Pexels )The lunge stretch seems specifically effective at the thigh and hip muscles and so should be included.
How to Perform
- Start with your right leg and step forward sliding it on the floor towards your left leg.
- Bend both of your legs at the elbow, your right leg should be in line to your upper body, lower your left knee to the ground and put your hands on the right thigh.
- Lean forward with your hips, extend them as far as is comfortable to feel the stretch in the hip and the thigh.
- Tense for 20- 30 seconds before switching sides.
- Repeat 2–3 times on each leg.
- Make sure that as you bend your running motion never brings your front knee lower than your ankle.
- Maintain a straight back.
Tips for Effective Stretching
Warm Up First - Before the start of the stretching sessions do a few minutes of light exercises like walking and or jogging in place to warm up your muscles.
Breathe Deeply - Another good breathing technique is beneficial for carriage of correct muscles and the strength of the stretch.
Be Consistent - The best outcome, therefore, comes from stretching, at least three to five times a week.
Avoid Overstretching - In no way should you attempt to over strain your muscles or excite them passed the limit of toleration. I believe stretching should be smooth and a little on the relaxing side.
Final Thoughts.
Arm and leg exercises are one such exercise that can be done easily and which have great benefits on the muscles, joints, tendons etc.
The stretches described above are great for novices and can easily be performed at home using minimal equipment.
If you are going to start including these exercises into your practice you will see a steady progress of your joint mobilization and overall ease in your body.
Remember, consistency is key. Use these basic stretches and as you progress from one to another, consider learning more complicated tensions techniques. Happy stretching!