I hate working out, but i want to be fit

A very useful and essential tip to stay fit and fabulous without going to the gym

Struggling to stay fit because you hate working out? Discover simple, enjoyable ways to achieve fitness without the dread.
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Let's face it - no one likes going for workout sessions as a hobby. In fact, most people can hardly stand the idea of ​​going to the gym, lifting weights and running on the treadmill for hours. However, at the same time, most people like to stay healthy, look attractive and have a slim figure. So, when it may be difficult for you to stick to regular training, but you don't want to ruin your figure?

In reality, is it possible to stay fit without spending a lot of hours and hard work at the local gym?

The good news is - yes, this also means that you can stay fit and fabulous without staying up all night or spending most of the hours in the gym. And it's all about making small changes in your life, finding alternatives that suit you and improving your daily routine. In this article, we will further explain the ways in which you can carry out your regular exercise even when you don't feel like exercising.

This article is for those who find exercise a boring routine and who get tired of exercising quickly and yet, they want to achieve or maintain their fitness goals.

1. First, you need to understand the reason why you don't like working out.

First, though, you need to identify and detail what exactly you dislike about working out. Could it be the boring way to work out? Physical discomfort? Or maybe you can't make it to the gym because it's not a good environment or you just don't have time for it?

To make your decision, consider finding the root of your dislike which can guide your thinking when choosing what to do. For example, if you find traditional exercise boring, you'll need to look into more interesting exercises. If that seems too intense, you can exercise at home or anywhere you can find in your surroundings.

It's important to be aware of the specific things you don't like because it will mean you can find ways to make fitness more tolerable - or even enjoyable.

2. Change your attitude towards bodybuilding

One of the main problems of everyone who hates exercise is that being fit means suffering through boring workouts or being forced to exercise. You may also need to try to change your paradigm for fitness. Instead of thinking of it as an obligation or punishment, think of it as a form of therapy or something positive for your body.

Most movements are a sign that you are able to move your body and not necessarily for the purpose of burning calories or getting in the best shape possible.

It is also important to change from “I have to workout” to “I want to move my body.” You don’t have to enjoy exercise to find motivation to exercise, but you have to make sense of exercising to reap the benefits that exercise brings: more energy, better mood, stronger immunity, and better health.

3. Success comes gradually - so when trying to advance your career, it is usually best to start small and then gradually work your way up.

In fact, if the idea of ​​exercising for a total of one hour per day makes you nervous, just refuse! For example, it is not necessary to sweat for a long time in the gym to lose a little weight. It is advisable to start with a short time, but be as active as possible. Set aside about 10-15 minutes for low-impact moderate exercise such as stretching or walking or dancing.

In case of increased stress, you can gradually increase the duration or level of activity, then the new tissues will adapt themselves to it. To create this habit, start with small exercises that you probably don't hate doing and thus create a habit that you follow.

4. Find enjoyable activities

A great way to stay fit that doesn’t really feel like a chore is to learn to exercise in a fun way. There are countless forms of exercise that don’t feel like a traditional workout, such as:

Dancing - Dancing is another activity that can get your heart rate up without feeling like exercise: Zumba, salsa or just dancing around the living room.

Hiking or walking - The most basic type of physical activity anyone will want to do is walking, and it can be done anywhere. Combine this with some great backdrop of nature through hiking and it stops being exercise and becomes an effort.

Swimming - Swimming is a great full body workout that is gentle at the same time if you feel good while being in the water.

Cycling - This can include simply going for a bicycle ride in or around the neighborhood or attending a cycling class.

Yoga or Pilates - If you are not comfortable with very complex and high-impact activities, then yoga and Pilates are perfect for you as both work on your strength and flexibility without promoting intense cardiovascular activities.

Recreational sports - Weight loss becomes fun when you play basketball, soccer or tennis with friends because such activities may not seem like exercise, yet they provide a pretty good workout.

This means that in order to get results, there has to be something to complete that doesn’t feel like a chore. But then if there is enthusiasm for the activity we will spend a lot of time on it.

5. How to incorporate activity into your life

If formal exercise seems too difficult, you should try to incorporate activity into your day rather than considering it as exercise. Being consistent plays the biggest role here as even small changes in your daily habits will work and help you stay fit. Here are some ideas:

Climb the stairs - Even climbing the stairs is a good idea instead of taking the elevator every time.

Walk or cycle to work - If possible, try to avoid the car or public transport and instead cycle or walk to work.

Do household chores - Mopping, sweeping, washing clothes, watering the lawn, raking and other household and yard work will help increase heart rate.

Stand more - Sitting for long periods of time like this is harmful to your health. If you work in an office, get up and move around at least once an hour.

Stretch while watching TV - Don't just sit on the couch watching your favorite show, but stretch or do some light exercise.

Incorporating physical activity into your day is a great way to stay active and it won't feel like you're exercising.

6. It's best to do short high-intensity workouts (HIIT)

If you don't like spending long hours in the gym or don't have the time to do so, high intensity interval training HIIT can help you. HIIT exercises are developed with high intensity in short intervals of time followed by a few moments of rest.

These workouts can last between 10-20 minutes, but they provide the same benefits as traditional moderate intensity workouts.

HIIT can be done with little equipment and because HIIT takes up only a small portion of the total training and workout time, it can appeal to people who don't want to spend long hours in the gym. It is possible to do 10 minutes using body weight exercises such as squats, push-ups and leaping jacks.

7. Don't forget about nutrition

Don't get me wrong, I do exercise, but it's just as important what you put in your mouth. You can at least maintain or even increase your fitness level by focusing on your diet while your exercise level is low. Several servings of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grain products will make you feel more energetic and guide your fitness regime.

Just keep in mind that you can't burn off a poor diet through exercise. When it's hard to find the time or get in the mood to exercise, chances are you just have to pay attention to what and how much you eat.

8. Be kind to yourself

When one doesn't match up with other fitness gurus or feels that one is not putting in enough effort, it lowers morale. Yet, one should not be too hard on oneself, first of all, because fitness is a very personal process.

Just as every individual is unique, there is no single solution that can define success for two different people.

And you don't have to wake up every morning and go jogging or swimming to stay fit. Try to stay active in some way and don't worry if you are not exercising at least 30 minutes five times a week.

Stress on health and fitness is just as important as mental health and putting pressure on yourself over exercise is counterproductive.

9. Find a support system

Fitness is better when done with a partner, preferably a trainer or a friend who will push you when you don't want to. This could be a friend you need someone to exercise with, a personal trainer or someone from the internet or social media.

It is also helpful to tell others about your personal goals as this will help motivate you to get up and exercise when you are feeling too lazy. And it is always good to know that you are not alone which makes it easier to stay focused.

In summary

The main thing here is that giving up your hatred for exercise does not mean you can't get fit. It's a matter of time; find a routine that you are comfortable with and that can be easily maintained in the long term. Start slowly, reorient your life towards exercise and find fun in activities.

Make exercise a part of your daily habits, find other types of activities for athletic training and pay attention to your diet if you want to lose weight without exercise.

In short, fitness is an individual process and there is no standard process for it. This is especially important if you always feel like you are not getting enough exercise, as long as you are moving it is good for the body

Nausingh pal

I Nausingh Pal is a dedicated health and fitness expert, dedicated to helping you achieve optimal well-being through practical guidance, personalized strategies and a deep understanding of the holistic fitness approach. I am ready

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