What can i drink to get a flat stomach fast?

Learn about simple, healthy ways to flatten your tummy, increase metabolism, and lessen bloating for noticeable results.
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A flat stomach is something that most people in today's world want to have. Apart from a proper diet and daily workouts, it is also possible to make helpful drinks that will help fight bloating and get the stomach in shape faster.

In this article, we will discuss some of the drinks that you should include in your diet to get a flat stomach.

Staying on a healthy diet and its importance

But first we must remind ourselves that none of the drinks mentioned below can make your stomach flat instantly. In any case, if one wants to speed up the process, these drinks must also be accompanied by dietary and healthy changes in general. 

It is advisable to reduce the amount of processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats, while increasing the amount of low-calorie and light foods with many fruits and vegetables.

1. Water: Lose Belly Fat: The Best Drink for a Flat Stomach

Although it may seem strange for a weight loss book to recommend water for a flat stomach, it is actually the best drink to consume.

Drinking water helps your body with digestion, flushes out waste products and reduces water retention that can cause bloating.

Why water helps:

  • It also aids digestion and keeps constipation at bay.
  • Suppresses appetite, making it easier for a person to limit how much food and calories they eat.
  • Helps the body eliminate waste—especially toxins and water—from it.

Studies have also shown that drinking 8 glasses of water a day can increase your metabolism and thus reduce weight, fulfilling your dream of getting a flat stomach.

2. Green Tea: The second feature that has boosted the popularity of E/R Metabolism is…

The catechin polyphenol compounds, especially in green tea, are extensively used in weight loss diets due to their anti-oxidant and metabolism rate boosting content.

It contains cateching which is a type of flavonoid that helps burn fat, especially belly fat.

Why Green Tea Works:

  • High in caffeine, which raises the pace at which fat is burnt and the quantity of metabolism.
  • It also boosts metabolism through an antioxidant compound called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate).
  • It is an efficient way to lose body fat generally as well as abdominal fat.

Green tea is known to improve fat metabolism in the body and especially if a person drinks 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day as part of a flat stomach plan.

3. Lemon water is a bloating detox beverage.

Lemon water is a very good and low-calorie drink that will help you get a flat stomach. Vitamin C and antioxidants included in lemons boost the production of digestive enzymes, which aids in the body's detoxification process.

In addition, lemon water contains elements that act as a diuretic; this means that it prevents the retention of fluids that cause bloating.

Benefits of lemon water:

  • Participates in stimulating digestion and improving the condition of the liver.
  • Assists in the body's natural internal cleansing processes thereby reducing the occurrence of bloating.
  • Promoting the maintenance of the body's hydration levels which is important in relation to metabolism.

If a warm glass of lemon water is taken especially in the morning, it helps to speed up the morning metabolism and, thus, enhances the body's digestive system throughout the day.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: This article explains how the right apple cider vinegar actually aids in fat burning.

Another good beverage one can choose to lose belly fat is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Apart from the cardio benefits, ACV has been proven to have benefits for digestion, blood sugar regulation, and fat burning.

It is said that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps in the breakdown of belly fat and thus it is a great tool for flattening the belly.

How ACV helps:

  • In order to prevent the body from storing fat, it also lowers the quantity of insulin.
  • It helps reduce appetite which will reduce the daily calorie intake.
  • It also enhances digestion to ensure that the stomach is healthy from the inside.

One to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar should be taken in a glass of water before meals if you want to ingest it properly. You may lose belly fat as quickly as possible by taking it consistently.

5. Ginger Tea: Another Natural Aids Probiotic for Digestion

Ginger tea is warming and invigorating, and people have been using it for centuries to help with digestive problems and inflammation. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce inflammation and swelling in the abdomen which increases the chances of getting a flat stomach.

Why Ginger Tea is Effective:

  • Additionally, it aids with digestion and keeps bloating at bay.
  • It has components that facilitate the breakdown of fat.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body which helps in breaking down fat leading to weight loss.

Ginger tea can be very beneficial if consumed throughout the day as it aids in digestion while it also aids in flushing out water which helps in getting a flat stomach.

6. Cucumber Water: A Cocktail That Hydrates and Detoxifies the Body

Cucumber water is a delicious and invigorating drink that will help you lose belly fat. Cucumber has a low amount of calories and consists of 95% water, and therefore it is very useful in detoxifying your body.

It also maintains heart health as well as has anti-inflammatory effects that help eliminate bloating.

Benefits of Cucumber Water:

  • Aids in eliminating pollutants from the body by flushing them out of the system.
  • It helps in thinning the blood, reduces water retention and thus in most cases it helps in reducing bloating.
  • Promotes drinking water, which is crucial for losing weight.

Cut a fresh cucumber, put it in a jug of water, and let it soak for a few hours to prepare cucumber water. Consuming it daily will also ensure that you drink enough water and in the process reduce the chances of bloating.

7. Peppermint Tea: How to Reduce Flatulence Without Medical Intervention

Similar to ginger tea, peppermint tea eases bloating and aids with digestion. It helps control the muscles around your stomach and helps expel gas, which relieves pain and makes the stomach look flat.

How peppermint tea helps:

  • Calms the digestive system, which lowers the formation of gas.
  • Aids in food digestion, which lessens the production of gas in the body.
  • It suppresses one’s appetite allowing one to eat fewer calorie foods.

Drinking a cup of peppermint tea after meals helps in digestion thereby preventing food accumulation in the stomach thereby reducing bloating and keeping your stomach flat.

8. Aloe Vera Juice: An herbal remedy to reduce belly fat and a drink to cleanse the body system

Drinks – Aloe vera juice is another wonderful drink that can be taken to improve digestion and reduce the problem of bloating in the stomach.

Often used to help with problems such as skin problems, aloe vera is also a natural remedy that can flush out waste and toxins through your intestines.

What Aloe Vera Juice Works For:

  • Best for improving healthy spine as it acts as a natural remedy.
  • Heals the lining of the stomach and small intestine; it also helps eliminate inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It helps in the detoxification of the body which can lead to a reduction in bloating and water retention.

Aloe vera juice is also effective when taken in a small cup before having a meal as it aids digestion thereby helping your body to detoxify for a flat stomach in the long run.

9. Dandelion Tea: Soy, a natural diuretic

Dandelion tea is mild and it acts as a diuretic, this means that it is used to remove excess water from the body.

This can be very helpful, especially now that many people have bloating or swelling in the abdominal area, this will create the illusion that your belly is much bigger than it actually is.

Benefits of Dandelion Tea:

  • Helps fight bloating and water build-up by having a diuretic effect.
  • The body gets rid of extra water and waste during detoxification.
  • Aids digestion, reducing bloating.

If you drink a cup of dandelion tea daily, chances are you can lose some excess water weight and therefore your belly will not be so bloated.

10. Protein shakes: Nutrient-rich foods to burn fat

Protein shakes are a great help in the weight loss process, as they focus on reducing fat around the belly. Protein is used to develop lean muscle, so, the more muscle you have, the higher the metabolic rate, which leads to the burning of fat, including the belly.

Also, this nutrient helps to reduce hunger for a longer period of time, which prevents the problem of consuming more calories than needed.

Why protein shakes work:

  • It helps burn fat while building lean muscle, which increases the metabolic rate.
  • Controlling appetite keeps you full, controlling hunger keeps the body nourished.
  • It aids in weight loss, particularly the reduction of belly fat, since it burns fat.

Take a protein shake made with low GI, lean protein and essential fats to avoid taking in the wrong kind of calories, which are detrimental to progress.


This means that no drink can do the miracle of a flat stomach in 24 hours, but if proper drinks are included in your habits along with a proper healthy diet and exercise, then the goal can be achieved very easily.

First of all, drink water, then add green tea, lemonade and other drinks that increase your body metabolism during the day.

The truth is that it takes time to achieve positive results, so stick with your diet plan and you will soon see remarkable improvements in your body.

As a rule, those drinks are recommended to be consumed with a healthy lifestyle, which includes physical activity, correct nutrition and adequate sleep.

By implementing all of these, it is very much possible to get a flat stomach with better health as opposed to a generally unhealthy life.

Nausingh pal

I Nausingh Pal is a dedicated health and fitness expert, dedicated to helping you achieve optimal well-being through practical guidance, personalized strategies and a deep understanding of the holistic fitness approach. I am ready

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