Fabulous 50 exercises 10 minutes belly fat

Fabulous 50: Top 10 Belly Fat-Burning Exercises in Under 10 Minutes

Discover 50 fabulous exercises that target belly fat in just 10 minutes a day. Quick, effective routines for a slimmer waistline.

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Stubborn fat often crops up around the belly area, but there are many exercises to help you lose the excess fat around your waist.

Below is a list of 50 fabulous exercise that will take only 10 minutes of your day and assist in burning the belly fat and giving you a flat toned stomach.

This guide is straightforward, practical and conveniently applicable throughout the day.

Why Belly Fat?

To give an understanding of why the exercises should target the belly fats, below are some of the reasons.

Obesity around the abdomen increases the prevalence of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

Losing belly fat helps to make you stunning and also leads to healthier living.

The 10-Minute Exercise Routine

Every exercise aims at performing the exercise itself for around 20 seconds before having a 10 second break.

HIIT approach which focuses on the intense and short activity periods ensures the maximum fat loss in the shortest time possible.

Warm-Up (1 Minute)

1. Jumping Jacks

  • Start with feet shoulder width apart and with your hands resting at your sides, but well away from the body.
  • Stretch your legs out to shoulder height and squat with your hands up in a leaping stance over your head.
  • Start at the beginning of the workout and repeat it all again.

2. High Knees

  • Stretch your legs and pump your arms as if marching on the spot and make sure that your kneels should come up to your waist.
  • Raise your arms up, also in order to intensify.

Core Strengthening (4 Minutes)

3. Plank

  • Start by flexing your body into a plank posture, with your legs dangling down and your palms flat on the ground.
  • Your body position should be straight; if you feel uncomfortable, shift forward until you find a balance that is comfortable for you.

4. Side Plank (Right)

  • Lay sideways flat on your right sides, your legs straight.
  • Arch your lower back and bring your hips off the floor, resting on your right hand with the side of your right foot.
  • Hold for 20 seconds.

5. Side Plank (Left)

  • Perform the exercise standing on the opposite side to the opening flank, return to the original position again.

6. Mountain Climbers

  • To begin, put your hands on the floor and make a V shape with your body.
  • Then, you can bring your knees to your abdomen as if you are jogging on a spot.

7. Bicycle Crunches

  • First position: start in the supine position with arms raised posteriorly.
  • Bring your right elbow up to your left knee and bend your right knee at the knee joint to bring your right leg straight in this position.
  • Swap between the two straight lines, as if you are pedal cycling.

8. Russian Twists

  • Place the bottom firmly on the ground and lift the back from the floor leaning on the legs with feet lowered.
  • Stand with your feet apart and lean backward slightly then twist your upper body to hold the ground beside you with your hands.

9. Leg Raises

  • Lean onto your back and extend your legs.
  • Fold your legs at the knees to form a right angle and gently lower them back down to the surface.

10. Flutter Kicks

  • Laying position means lie on the back with your legs straight.
  • Raise your legs slightly by bending them at the knee joints and swing them up and down.

Cardio Boost (3 Minutes)

11. Burpees

  • For this exercise start with your feet shoulder width apart, stand tall then lower your body to the level of the floor with the palms of your hands flat on the ground.
  • Swing your legs back to put them in a push-up position, complete a push-up, then quickly return to the squatting position and hop.

12. Skaters

  • Brave: Leap side to side with the left foot usually touching the ground while the right foot swings from behind.

13. Jump Squats

  • The first exercise entails standing, bending the knees and squatting, jumping to the peak of explosive power.

14. Tuck Jumps

  • If this is the case then jump high with your legs bend at the knee so that your knees are pulled into your chest.

15. Inchworms

  • Spread your legs wide, and with your hands on the floor quickly squat and rise high.
  • Grasp the floor with your hands in a plank stance, then place them back between your feet to stand.

Preparatory routine – Toning and Sculpting (2 minutes)

16. Reverse Crunches

  • Lay flat on your back with knees flexed and legs positioned perpendicular to the surface you are lying on.
  • With the other leg, extend it behind you and raise the rest of your body from the ground towards your head.

17. Heel Touches

  • Place your body in supine position on a mat, with feet flat on the upholstery.
  • Swing your right hand down to your right foot, followed by your left hand extending down to your left foot.

18. Plank with Hip Dips

  • Forearm plank: oscillate hands and perform lateral leg lifts felt to a certain degree during a butt kick.

19. Spider-man Plank

  • In a forearm plank, bend each knee towards the chest so that it is in line with the elbow on the opposite side towards which you are facing.

20. Standing Oblique Crunch

  • Start with the feet wide apart, the right foot pointing forward and the left foot sideways and hands clenched at the rear of the head.
  • Stretch your legs out to the sides and carry your right knee to your right elbow, then to the contrary side while lying on your right side.

Cool Down (1 Minute)

21. Child’s Pose

  • First, you must get down on your knees and move your buttocks back and then best position your hands flat on the ground up front.

22. Seated Forward Bend

  • With your legs stretched out and your hands highlighted your toes, sit down.

23. Cobra Stretch

  • They must lie face down on the floor and push their upper body up while keeping the hips and thighs on the floor.

24. Cat-Cow Stretch

  • In this position that requires the use of all four extremities, cycle through pushing the back down and up.

25. Torso Twists

  • Stand upright on your chair and bend sideways to each side of your body.

Extra Effective Physical movements (These are 25 more)

26. Windshield Wipers

  • Start in a supine position with yours arms horizontally to the side of your body and your legs raised to a position that is parallel to the ground.
  • Delegate walking: Swing your legs from side to side in small controlled motion.

27. V-Ups

  • Lie down flat on the ground and raise both arms and legs to touch each other like a V-shaped.

28. Side Leg Raises

  • Lying in a supine position with your right leg straightened, flex the right knee towards the chest and then return it to the initial position.

29. Toe Touches

  • There they gave the instruction to lie on the back and try and touch the feet.

30. Scissor Kicks

  • Lay on your back and then try putting your legs together as if your thighs were joined at the ankles forming a scissor like motion.

31. Lying Leg Circles

  • The first exercise that can be used to help with varicose veins is to lie on the back and trace circles in the air with the legs.

32. Jackknife Sit-Ups

  • Lay flat on your back and draw your upper part, that also includes your legs, closer to one another.

33. Sit-Ups

  • While on your back, bend your knees, sit up straight, and pull your upper body closer to your shins.

34. Standing Side Crunches

  • A simple movement that contributes to weight loss involves standing with feet spread shoulder-width apart and crunch to each side.

35. Seated Knee Tucks

  • Cross your arms and legs by sitting with both your hands firmly placed on your back and pulling your legs toward your chest.

36. Roll-Ups

  • Stand, then sit: lie on your back on the floor and go through your hands to drive yourself to a sitting position.

37. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

  • Make a + shape with your hands and foot as you squat down, then contact your opposing hand and shin.

38. Dead Bug

  • Lay flat on your back after which ensure that you raise your arms as well as your legs and then bring down the opposite arm and leg.

39. Half Burpees

  • Take the burpee as usual, but do not begin to jump back up to standing; instead, stop right at the push-up position.

40. Side Crunches

  • Lay down flat on your right side and bending forward lift yourself up towards your knees.

41. Hip Bridges

  • This exercise can be done with a bench, stand with the feet placed shoulder width apart and hold the barbell on the upper chest, then lay back and lift the hips to the ground.

42. Dynamic Plank

  • Go return to the forearm plank posture by tucking your knees after performing a push-up plank.

43. Vertical Leg Crunch

  • They include: Lay flat with your legs raised towards the ceiling, swim with your legs then touch your head on your knees.

44. Plank Jacks

  • In the plank position, go through this movement: jump your feet wide apart and then immediately bring them back together.

45. Chin-Up Flex on Arm and Leg

  • In a plank position, it is recommended that one lifts an opposite extremity such as an arm and a leg.

46. Side Leg Plank

  • In a side plank, bend your knee besides the opposite hand and then straighten your leg out.

47. Rolling Plank

  • Perform a roll-over from the forearm position to a side plank on one side and then on the other but for no more than 30 seconds.

48. Cross-Body Sit-Ups

  • Bicycle crunch: Lie flat and start doing sit-ups while touching your left hand to your right knee & vice versa.

49. Hip Dips

  • When in a side plank, perform hip rise and fall.

50. Oblique V-Ups

  • Lay on your side and don’t just lift your upper body all at once; try to roll up from the waist and shoulders as well as your lower body and legs.

In summary

The 50 minutes of exercise regimen which you would need to follow daily will assist in giving your belly a flat toned look.

Remember, consistency is key. In maintaining with these exercise regimens, it will be wise to have a proper diet and a sufficient supply of water to boost these exercises.

Try at home now then one day you will surely saw and maybe even touch the change. Keep doing it insistently, and you will achieve what you have set yourself in terms of your fitness!

Nausingh pal

I Nausingh Pal is a dedicated health and fitness expert, dedicated to helping you achieve optimal well-being through practical guidance, personalized strategies and a deep understanding of the holistic fitness approach. I am ready

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